This document provides detailed information on the different messages that are within CS 1.6
Written by Geesu (Pimp Daddy)
Message Argument Order Description of Arguments Notes  
AmmoPickup byte, byte 1: Ammo ID, 2: Amount
AmmoX byte, byte 1: Ammo ID, 2: Amount
BarTime byte, byte 1: Duration, 2: Unknown Leave the 2nd byte as 0, to turn off a BarTime that you started just send a duration of 0
Battery short 1: Armor This event is triggered when a user's armor changes (the armor number)
BombDrop coord, coord, coord, byte 1: X, 2: Y, 3: Z, 4: Bomb dropped? The first three arguments are the origin of the dropped bomb. The last argument is set to 1 if the bomb has been planted. It is 0 if the bomb was dropped due to voluntary dropping or death. Setting the last argument 1, will also trigger the round timer to hide. It also will show the dropped bomb on the Terrorist team's radar in the location specified by the first three arguments.
BombPickup NO ARGUMENTS This message just tells the game that the bomb has been picked up. It will cause the dropped bomb to disappear from the Terrorist team's radar.
BotVoice byte, byte
ClCorpse string, long, long, long, coord, coord, coord, long, byte, byte, byte, byte 1: Model Name The model name does not have .mdl at the end
Crosshair byte
CurWeapon byte, byte, byte 1: isActive, 2: Weapon ID, 3: Ammo in Weapon
Damage byte, byte, long, coord, coord, coord 1: Damage Save (armor), 2: Damage Take (health), 3: Damage Type, 4: X, 5: Y, 6: Z
DeathMsg byte, byte, byte, string 1: Killer ID, 2: Victim ID, 3: Headshot, 4:Weapon Name
FlashBat byte 1: Amount
Flashlight byte, byte 1: Flag, 2: % left Flag would be 1 for turning the flashlight on or 0 for turning it off. The second argument shows how much power is left (highest being 100).
GameMode byte
GameTitle byte
Geiger byte 1: Range
Health byte 1: Amount
HideWeapon byte 1: Flag Details below
HLTV byte, byte
HudText string 1: Message (predefined) Only predefined messages work with this, you cannot send your own. Like when you see the "Press Duck for spectator menu" message on your screen, that is sent via a HudText message
ItemStatus byte
Money long, byte 1: Amount, 2: Flag If the flag is 1 the money will flash on the screen, otherwise set it to 0
NVGToggle byte 1: Flag 1 = on, 2 = off
Radar byte, coord, coord, coord 1: ID, 2: X, 3: Y, 4: Z This will only show teammates
ReloadSound byte, byte
RoundTime short
SayText byte, string, string, string 1: Destination, 2: Predefined String, 3: Unknown, 4: Text said Destination can be 1=notify, 2=console, 3=chat, or 4=center
Some values of the predifined string: #Cstrike_Chat_AllDead, #Cstrike_Chat_All
Scenario byte
ScoreAttrib byte, byte 1: ID, 2: Flag For the 2nd Argument, 0 = nothing, 1 = dead, 2 = bomb, 3 = VIP
ScoreInfo byte, short, short, short, short 1: ID, 2: Frags, 3: Deaths, 4: Player Class, 5: Team
ScreenFade short, short, short, byte, byte, byte, byte 1: Duration, 2: Hold Time, 3: Fade Type, 4: Red, 5: Green, 6: Blue, 7: Alpha
ScreenShake short, short, short 1: Amount, 2: Duration, 3: Frequency
SetFOV byte 1: Player's Field of View Default FOV is 90
ShowTimer NO ARGUMENTS Shows the round timer again if it has been hidden.
SpecHealth2 byte, byte 1: Health?, 2: Player ID?
Spectator byte, byte 1: ID, 1: Flag The flag determines if the user passed through the first argument is a spectator or not (1 = yes, 0 = no)
StatusIcon byte, string, byte, byte, byte 1: Status, 2: Sprite name, 3: Red, 4: Green, 5: Blue For Status, 0 = Hide Icon, 1 = Show Icon, 2 = Flash Icon. A list of usable sprites are in listed at a link below:
StatusText byte, string 1: Line Number, 2: Text
StatusValue byte, short, short, short, short
TeamInfo byte, string 1: ID, 2: Team Name
TeamScore string, short 1: Team Name, 2: Score Team name is either CT or TERRORIST
TextMsg byte, string, string, string, string, string 1: ID, 2: Message, 3: Submsg, 4: Submsg, 5: Submsg, 6:Submsg There does not necessarily have to be a total of 6 arguments, there could be as little as 2. For example you can send a message with the following:
Arg1: 1
Arg2: #Game_join_ct
Arg3: 4HM | Pimp Daddy
Train byte
VGUIMenu byte, short, char, byte string
VoiceMask long, long
WeaponList string, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte 1: Weapon Name, 2: Ammo1 ID, 3: Ammo1 Max, 4: Ammo2 ID, 5: Ammo2 Max, 6: Bucket, 7: Bucket Pos, 8: Weapon ID, 9: Flags This message is sent before the map is fully loaded to determine the location of weapons on the player's HUD. This can potentially be used to change the positions of weapons and put them in different slots. The knife seems to have most problems with this however. Arguments 2 and 3 are -1 if the weapon is the knife. Arguments 4 and 5 are -1 in CS and CZ, but normally they would not be if a weapon had some sort of secondary ammo. Argument 6 can be 0-4 which correspond to the 1-5 horizontal weapon slots on the HUD. Argument 7 is the vertical weapon slot which is only noticable when a player has multiple weapons in a horizontal slot. These numbers start at 1 instead of 0, unlike argument 6. Argument 8 corresponds to a weapon's CSW_ constant.
WeapPickup byte 1: Weapon ID
Credits to: Damaged Soul, Johnny Got his Gun (JGHG), Geesu (Pimp Daddy), Zenix
This original document can be downloaded at
If you can add to this document, please send me an email so I can update this one. ([email protected])
You can download hud.txt at the above link
HideWeapon Details this chart shows the meaning of the byte (note: these have not been confirmed in 1.6 and may be inaccurate)
BYTE Radar Flashlight Crosshair Money Ammo Buyzone icon etc Time Player name Health/armor
0 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
1 yes yes no yes no yes yes yes yes
2 yes no yes yes no yes yes yes yes
3 yes no no yes no yes yes no yes
4-7 no no no no no no no no no
8 no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no
9 no yes no yes no yes yes yes no
10 no no yes yes yes yes yes yes no
11 no no no yes no yes yes yes no
12-15 no no no no no no no no no
16 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
17 yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes
there are moreÉ when crosshair is inactive, you can't change weapons manually